privacy notice

learn how we use your data!



We endeavour to collect and use your personal information only with your knowledge and consent and typically when you order and subsequently use products and services, make customer enquiries, register for information or other services, request product information, submit a job application or when you respond to communications from us (such as questionnaires or surveys).

We may also collect your information if you request a quote from us whether via a website form or via our live chat in which case it shall be within our legitimate interests to contact you to discuss a sale.

The type of personal information we may collect could include, for example, your name and postal address, date of birth, email address, telephone number, email address, and credit/debit card information; lifestyle and other information collected on registration or through surveys.

If you choose to provide us with personal information it will be used in support of the intended purposes stated at the time at which it was collected, and subject to any preferences indicated by you.



We may also collect non-personally identifying information about your visit to our websites based on your browsing activities. This information may include the pages you browse and products and services viewed or ordered for example. This helps us to better manage and develop our sites, to provide you with a more enjoyable, customised service and experience in the future, and to help us develop and deliver better products and services tailored to your individual interests and needs.

From time to time, if you consented accordingly we may also store and use your information to contact you for market research and marketing purposes. We may contact you by email, phone or mail.



We may use your information for a number of purposes which includes: processing your orders and managing and administering your account; delivering any services, products or information requested by you; responding to complaints or account enquiries; administering debt recoveries; verifying your identity when required (you may lose your password or security information for example, and we may then need to ask you for other ‘identifiable’ information to protect your data from unauthorised access).

Web Print Go is a data controller for the information it holds on clients and employees. This information includes contact names, email addresses, phone numbers, account details, complaints and concerns. Web Print Go collects this information to ensure it can provide the service clients pay for successfully.



Web Print Go does not share any client information with third parties unless absolutely necessary for service delivery ; for example third-party software vendors. Web Print Go does not use any sub-processors in its service delivery.

We may only disclose information about you and contact details to (i) companies within the Web Print Go Group for the purposes and subject always to the terms of this Privacy Notice Statement; (ii) in the event that we undergo re-organisation or are sold to a third party, in which case you agree that any personal information we hold about you may be transferred to that re-organised entity or third party for the purposes and subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy Statement.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy Statement, “Web Print Go Group” means Web Print Go or any company or other entity in which Web Print Go Group owns (directly or indirectly) more than 50% of the issued share capital. 

Please note that Web Print Go does not sell or pass your personal information to third parties (other than as set out in the paragraph above) unless you have given us permission or unless it is strictly necessary to deliver the products and services ordered or used by you and you are notified beforehand.

For example, we may disclose your data to a credit card company to validate your credit card details and obtain payment when you buy a product or service. We may also have to disclose some limited details to third party suppliers of software for audit reasons.

Web Print Go may also be obliged to disclose your personal information to meet any legal or regulatory requirements (for example to comply with a court order) or obligations in accordance with applicable law.



Any social media posts or comments you send to us (on the Web Print Go Facebook / Instagram page, for instance) will be shared under the terms of the relevant social media platform (e.g. Facebook / Instagram) on which they are written and could be made public.

Other people, not us, control these platforms. We are not responsible for this kind of sharing. We recommend you should review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the social media platforms you use. That way, you will understand how they will use your information, what information relating to you they will place in the public domain, and how you can stop them from doing so if you are unhappy about it.

Any blog, review or other posts or comments you make about us, our products and services on any of our blogs, reviews or user community services will be shared with all other members of that service and the public at large. Any comments you make on these services and on social media in general must be not offensive, insulting or defamatory. You are responsible for ensuring that any comments you make comply with any relevant policy on acceptable use of those services.



As part of your existing or new website hosting or email hosting service, our technical support team do have access to your website files, database and in some cases your business data, due to the technical nature of the business. This is an essential part of our business operation. Technical support staff are trained and committed to treating all customer data as confidential and this is not shared, accessed or made available by anyone not employed by Web Print Go. All support is conducted from the Head Office in Lancashire.

Web Print Go is a data processor for all client infrastructure hosted by it. The client is the Data Controller in the relationship and has the ability to decide what data is collected and stored on our hosting platform.



The Data Centres we use to host websites, databases and email accounts are based solely in United Kingdom, specifically in Manchester. The Data Centre we use provides complete managed infrastructure including core power, networking, security and monitoring services. We do not control what data is stored or what the infrastructure is used for. Web Print Go is a data processor for all client infrastructure hosted by it. The client is the Data Controller in the relationship and has the ability to decide what data is collected and stored on our hosting platform. Clients have the responsibility to inform Dars Media of what they are using the infrastructure for.

The Data Centre carries various ISO certifications including ISO27001 and ISO27018, which proves their dedication to providing consistently high standards for storing, transmitting and processing data. ISO27018 also provides standards that hold up against audits, customer enquiries and government reviews, and has been substantially influenced by European requirements to create a solid baseline for cloud and hosting service providers trading in Europe following Brexit.



Web Print Go has a dedicated incident response team in place that responds to any data breach discovered and is responsible for escalating to senior management, account managers, and clients, within the time frame mandated by GDPR and client contracts. Web Print Go has an escalation plan for alerting the ICO in the case of a data breach.

For data breaches relating to client infrastructure, Web Print Go has the duty of care to inform clients of any breaches we discover. Web Print Go monitors various internet feeds and outgoing traffic which forms our “abuse queue”. Web Print Go engineers monitor this queue and any clients that suffer a breach are alerted by a Web Print Go engineer with any details that are available at the time of discovery. The client is then required to alert the ICO of the data breach within the time frame mandated by the GDPR.



To make sure we meet our legal data protection and privacy obligations, we only hold on to your information for as long as we actually need it for the purposes we acquired it for in the first place. In most cases, this means we will keep your information for as long as you continue to use our services, and for a reasonable period of time afterwards if you stop doing so, to see if we can persuade you to come back to us. After that we will delete it other than where we lawfully can keep any data for audit or legal reasons.

We shall keep data on our prospect database for not longer than 3 years from receipt subject to an individual’s right to unsubscribe or be forgotten at any time.



You can write to us at any time to obtain details of the personal information we may hold about you. Please write to: Web Print Go, Data Protection, 14 Wharfedale Avenue, Reedley, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 2LL.

Please quote your name and address together with your mobile and/or account number (if relevant). We will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before providing you with details of any personal information we may hold about you.



Web Print Go recognises that its customers are increasingly concerned about how companies protect personal information from misuse and abuse and about privacy in general. Web Print Go is constantly reviewing and enhancing its technical, physical and managerial procedures and rules to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, accidental loss and/or destruction. We use industry standard TLS certificates to provide encryption of data in transit, for example, all access to Dars Media websites and management portals is covered by HTTPS.

Please be aware that communications over the Internet, such as emails/webmails, are not secure unless they have been encrypted. Your communications may route through a number of countries before being delivered – this is the nature of the World Wide Web/Internet. Dars Media cannot accept responsibility for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information that is beyond our control.



Web Print Go reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy Statement at any time and in response to changes in applicable data protection and privacy legislation.
If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on our website so you know what information we collect and how we use it. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will tell you. You will have a choice as to whether or not we are able to use your information in this different manner. If you have any enquiry about Dars Media privacy policy or practices, please write to: Web Print Go, Data Protection, 14 Wharfedale Avenue, Reedley, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 2LL.



Monitoring or recording of your calls, emails, text messages and other communications may take place in accordance with UK law, and in particular for business purposes, such as for quality control and training, to prevent unauthorised use of Web Print Go websites, to ensure effective systems operation and in order to prevent or detect crime.

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